How to make a complaint about children’s services

This advice applies to: England

You can request this from them directly, or it may be available on their website.

This will usually be the children’s services complaints team.

It’s helpful to complain in writing if you can. You can ask a friend, carer, family member or an organisation like Citizens Advice to help you if you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself.

You should send your complaint to the specific address stated in the complaint’s procedure.

0300 061 0614 
If you are still not satisfied after making a complaint to a council, you can contact the LGO for advice. The LGO is a free service and its role is to investigate complaints in a fair and independent way.

0808 801 0366 
FRG offers free, confidential, independent advice to family members who are involved with or need help from children’s services.

0808 808 1001 
NYAS provides specialist legal advice, advocacy and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults through a network of paid workers and volunteers throughout England and Wales.

0300 330 5480 
The Children’s Legal Centre offers free legal information and advice on all legal issues relating to children and young people.