For professionals:

Special guardianship resource pack

Understanding the experiences of special guardians - a resource pack for professionals.

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The First Day of Forever

The first film ‘The First Day of Forever’ presents the views and personal experiences of 5 special guardians.

Special guardianship – an agenda for change

The second film ‘Special guardianship – an agenda for change’ includes the views of a range of professionals and sector leaders.

Graph showing adoption orders versus special guardianship orders

Source: click here

Cafcass data has been used by researchers at Lancaster University to compare the numbers and proportion of special guardianship orders with other types of legal order made following care proceedings between 2010/11 and 2016/17. This is a one-off national longitudinal survey.

Both DfE and Cafcass sources used by Lancaster University show that in recent years special guardianship has overtaken adoption as the more frequent permanency option for looked after children unable to remain with their birth parents.

Who are the special guardians?

The DfE collects annual data on children who cease to be looked after through a special guardianship order. For the year ending 31st March 2020:

  • 89% of special guardianship orders were made to relatives or friends (kinship carers)
  • 9% were made to the child’s former foster carers

No government statistics are available to provide a more detailed profile of special guardians including by type of relative, their ethnicity and age. This is a significant gap in our information.

Key elements of a special guardianship support service

Read this guide, which aims to support the development of responsive and effective support services for children leaving care under a special guardianship order (SGO).

Read the guide

Brown, B, Broadhurst, K., Harwin, J. and Simmonds, J (2019) Special guardianship: international research on kinship care, Nuffield Family Justice Observatory

Cleaver H., Rose., W. (2021) Safeguarding Children living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: Learning from case reviews 2007–2019, CoramBAAF

Cleaver H., Rose., W. (2021) Safeguarding Children living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: A guide to reflective practice, CoramBAAF

Harwin, J, Alrouh, B., Golding, L., McQuarrie, T., Broadhurst, K., and Cusworth L. (2019) The contribution of supervision orders and special guardianship to children’s lives and family justice, final report, Lancaster University.  .

Harwin, J., Simmonds, J., Broadhurst, K., and Brown, R (2019) Special guardianship: a review of the English research studies, Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.

Hunt J., (2020) Key findings from the last two decades of UK research on kinship care, Family Rights Group

Iyer, P., Boddy, J., Hammelsbeck, R., and Lynch-Huggins, S. (2020). Contact following placement in care, adoption or special guardianship: implications for children’s and young people’s wellbeing Evidence Review

Murray,  E, Rebecca Lacey,  Maughan,  B., Sacker, A. 2020 Non-parental care in childhood and health up to 30 years later: ONS Longitudinal Study 1971–2011 [subscription only], European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue 6

Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (2020) Contact between children in care or adopted and their families: six key messages from research briefing paper is based on findings from three evidence reviews commissioned by the Nuffield FJO.

Simmonds, J., Harwin, J., Brown., R., and Broadhurst, K. (2019) Special Guardianship: a review of the evidencesummary reportNuffield Family Justice Observatory.

Wade, J., Sinclair, I., Stuttard, T. and Simmonds, J.(2014)  Investigating special guardianship.; experiences, challenges and outcomes, Department of Education

Wellard S., Meakings S., Farmer E., and Hunt J. (2017). Growing up in kinship care: Experiences as adolescents and outcomes in young adulthood. London: Kinship

Anda, R., Felitti, V., Bremner, J., Walker, J., Whitfield, C., Perry, B., Dube, S., Giles, W., (2006). The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 256(3): 174–186.

Bywaters, P., Bunting, L., Davidson, G.,, Hanratty, J.,M Mason, W., & Mccartan, C. & Steils, N., (2016),  The relationship between poverty, child abuse and neglect: an evidence review.

Featherstone, B., Morris K., Daniel, B., Bywaters, P., Brady, G., Bunting, L., Mason, W., Mirza, N., (2019), Poverty, inequality, child abuse and neglect: Changing the conversation across the UK in child protection? Children and youth services review, 97, pp.127–133.

Marmot, M., (2020), Health equity in England: the Marmot review 10 years onBmj368.

McCartan, Claire et al., 2018. Stripping the Wallpaper of Practice: Empowering Social Workers to Tackle Poverty. Social sciences (Basel), 7(10), p.193.

Morris, Kate et al., (2018). Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventionsChild & family social work, 23(3), pp.364–372.

Rose, W and McAuley, C. (2019) Poverty and its impact on parenting in the UK: Re-defining the critical nature of the relationship through examining lived experiences in times of austerity. Children and Youth Services Review; 97: 134-141.