Testamentary guardianship

Information for kinship carers about testamentary guardianship: the process of appointing a guardian for a child should their parent or carer die.

This advice applies to: England and Wales

Parental responsibility  

Parental responsibility (sometimes called PR) is the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which a parent or guardian has in relation to a child and his or her property.   

Learn more about parental responsibility

Free, confidential advice to families dealing with children’s services. They offer online advice, forums, a free telephone advice line and web chat service.

Helpline for legal advice,  specialist advice and information on child, family and education law, as well as online resources.

Support from Kinship

Here at Kinship, we offer a range of free support for all kinship carers, including  workshops, online advice and information, and support groups.

Contact the Kinship advice team to speak to an adviser or book an appointment.

Find services, information and support in your local area using our Kinship Compass, including information about your local children’s services.

Part of the content from this page was adapted from a blog post written by law firm Laurus.