Keeping children in kinship care safe online

Technology and the internet are often a big part of children and young people’s lives. Learn more about understanding and managing online safety with children you care for - including starting conversations about online life, and where to get further support.

This advice applies to: England

Remember, the internet and technology can impact children both positively and negatively – it’s normal for their moods to change depending on daily experiences. For example, they might be:

  • frustrated after losing a game against their friend
  • happy after seeing a funny video

However, being exposed to serious, repeated online harms can impact physical and mental health and wellbeing. Harmful technology use could make children feel:

  • anxious
  • fearful
  • guilty
  • hurt
  • isolated
  • pressured
  • shameful

As a result, they could also display challenging or difficult behaviours. If your kinship child is in this situation, we have a guide and offer free training workshops on how to manage it.