Relationships and parenting workshops

See our range of workshops on parenting and building relationships with your kinship children.

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a small child is watching as an older man waters a plant in the garden.

An introduction to therapeutic parenting (masterclass)

This one-off masterclass (Friday 21 March, 11am to 12:30pm) will introduce the principles of therapeutic parenting, covering how trauma and attachment difficulties affect children’s behaviour. You'll leave with practical strategies to use.

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Two small boys playing rough and tumble on a sofa. They're both smiling and laughing. In the background, an older couple sit smiling on a different sofa.

Managing challenging behaviour with children in kinship care

Learn about ways you might encounter challenging behaviour in children you’re caring for, and how to deal with it sensitively but decisively.

See upcoming dates
An older woman sits with two small children on the sofa.

Life story work with children in kinship care

Learn about life story work – what it is, when to consider it, techniques to carry it out (and get support), as well as how it can help kinship children build a positive self-image.

See upcoming dates
A selfie of a woman and two children by the seaside. The wind is blowing in their hair and they look happy.

Keeping children in kinship care safe online

Learn how to approach online safety with children in kinship care. This includes helping them navigate the internet, learning about typical use and basic terms/concepts as well as how to address safeguarding concerns

See upcoming dates
An older man in a Hawaiian shirt and a teenage boy holding a football walk along a street.

Preparing for sensitive conversations with kinship children

Learn the best way to handle conversations about your unique situation.

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A smiling older woman sits on a red sofa drawing, while two small children look at what she's drawing.

Understanding trauma and attachment in children

Learn about trauma and attachment and how they might affect the children you care for.

See upcoming dates