We carry out research and share it with decision-makers and others to call for improvements in law, policy and professional practice. See all of our research and reports.
For professionals:
Are you a researcher, academic or partner interested in kinship care research and best practice? Join our Researchers’ Network to stay up to date with latest research and find out about our quarterly meetings.
Please visit Support and advice for kinship carers
Our ambition is to create a dedicated network of academics, researchers and partners interested in kinship care research and best practice.
Robust research into kinship care and evidence about the experiences of all kinds of kinship carers and their families, including special guardians, in England and Wales will help to influence policy and practice at a national level.
The Kinship Care Researchers’ Network will hold quarterly meetings featuring presentations and discussions on the latest kinship care research, as well as updates from Kinship on national policy developments.
The Kinship Care Researchers’ Network is is chaired by Dr Lucy Peake, CEO of Kinship.
By signing up to the Researchers’ Network, you will receive regular updates and invitations to all our research events.
Please fill out the form below to join the Researchers’ Network.
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