Forced out: delivering equality for kinship carers in the workplace

1 June 2023

Our new report – Forced Out – explores the views and experiences of kinship carers around work, and reveals the devastating consequences which a lack of employment support is having for kinship families and for the state.

It calls on the Government to commit to introducing a right to kinship care leave on a par with adoption leave for all kinship carers within its forthcoming kinship care strategy and encourages employers to adopt kinship friendly employment policies.

  • 68% of kinship carers said their employer didn’t offer support to kinship carers

  • Only 23% of kinship carers were offered employment support by their local authority

"Children’s services gave me no choice. Unequivocally stated I was to give up work if I undertook my grandson’s care or he would go to a foster placement."

Carer with a child arrangements or residence order, aged 65-74

A middle-aged man and a small boy are sitting on a sofa. The man is helping the boy with some homework.
  • More than 4 in 10 kinship carers told us they had to leave work permanently after they became a kinship carer

  • 45% of kinship carers were forced to reduce their working hours after taking on the care of a child

"Due to kinship carers not having the same rights as adoptive parents, legally I wasn’t entitled to paid leave, maternity or adoptive leave which is what led me to leave my job."

Special guardian, aged 45-54

A woman and little girl, both wearing headscarves, look at a laptop. They are both smiling.
  • More than 1/3 of kinship carers experienced an income drop of more than 50% after stepping up to take on the care of a child

"We cannot pay off our mortgage, have used up all our savings and taken all our pension draw downs. We have a few thousand pounds left, then have no idea what we are all going to live off. We are exhausted and very worried about the future."

Special guardian, aged 45-54

Woman sitting on the sofa with a baby on her lap and another small child next to her. They are all looking at a tablet computer.
  • 28% of kinship carers had to claim benefits after taking on the care of a child due to a change in their employment status

"I hadn’t long qualified as a nurse, and needed more experience, so feel my confidence was massively impacted by the lack of support. I now don’t feel able to return to this line of work and felt very let down that the NHS didn’t support me."

Special guardian, aged 55-64

An older woman reads from a yellow book, with a young boy on either side of her.
  • More than 1/2 of kinship carers said a right to paid leave would have prevented them from leaving work or changing their employment status

"A year of paid leave would have given me chance to settle and bond with a traumatised child and to work out how to continue in work. I just had no time for anything."

Kinship foster carer, aged 25-34

An adult, a teenager and a young boy sitting on a sofa, smiling.

Kinship Friendly Employers

Our Kinship Friendly Employers scheme encourages and supports organisations across England and Wales to ensure their kinship carer employees can access fair, flexible and funded support.

Become a Kinship Friendly Employer

Kinship Care Leave policy

Many of Kinship’s current staff team are either kinship carers themselves or grew up in kinship care. Learn more about our Kinship Care Leave policy on our staff benefits page, under family-friendly policies.

Benefits of working for Kinship