Peterborough Coffee, Cake and Chat

East England
In person

An informal, relaxed and friendly coffee morning for kinship carers in the Peterborough area (see full eligibility criteria below). At our first coffee morning, Peterborough Virtual School will also share what our role is and how we can support you. There will also be a kinship carer who has used our service recently, who will share their experience of working with us and its impact for them as a family.

Wednesday 12 March 2025, 10am to 12pm

Honeyhill Family Hub, Chadburn, Paston, Peterborough

Who can join?
This group is for parents or carers of a child who is living in a kinship care arrangement or has previously been in care (CPiC) and now has an adoption order (AO), special guardianship order (SGO) or a child arrangements order (CAO).

How to join
To support the organisers in arranging the venue before you arrive and to bring enough drinks and cake, please take a few moments to fill in this very quick form to indicate your attendance: Coffee, Cake and Chat – Wednesday 12 March 2025.

If you have any questions about the event that you would like to discuss before the day, please don’t hesitate to indicate this on the form and a member of the virtual school will contact you.

This group is not part of Kinship and you need to contact the group directly to join. Kinship does not take any responsibility for their activities and we do not check the information provided by the group. The group will process your personal data in accordance with their own governance structure.