Grwp/Group Y Bont

North Wales

This group is organised by Y Bont and is open to all kinship carers in North Wales. Grwp ar gyfer gofalwyr teulu sy’n cynnig cefnogaeth a cyfle i gyfarfod eraill mewn sefyllfa debyg i chi. Group offering support, including peer support for kinship carers.

Once a month on Wednesday at 11:00am

Online – Zoom

Cyfarfodydd ar Zoom ar hyn o bryd. Cysylltwch a Gwenan os am help i gysylltu hefo Zoom.

Who can join
Croeso i ofalwyr o ogledd Cymru.
All kinship carers from North Wales welcome.

How to join
Contact Gwenan for information about Zoom.


Please get in touch if you would like to join the group or  have any questions.

Contact name: Gwenan

Phone number: 01286 881620



This group is independently run and you will need to contact the group directly.  As this group is not part of Kinship, we do not take any responsibility for their activities. Kinship does not check the information provided by the group.  The group will process your personal data in accordance with their own governance structure.