Section 4C: How to manage conversations and get everyone involved in your peer support group

Getting conversation flowing between group members can be hard sometimes. You want to offer somewhere members can feel comfortable sharing. This section shares some tips and tools to help you create the right environment.

Getting conversations going in group

Meeting with other kinship carers for the first time is a big deal for many. It might be the first time you can talk to others who understand what it’s like. Conversation can quickly flow around the challenges, local support available or how a child is doing.

But sometimes, especially in a very new group, it can take some effort to get the conversation started. You will have to facilitate the group (find out more about facilitation later in this section).

Starting conversations

Find out how you can get conversation going in your group and create a space where everyone can contribute. Keith (kinship carer and support group leader) and Rachael (Kinship staff member) share their tips.

Duration: 3 minutes 57 seconds