Get advice and information

Becoming a kinship carer can be overwhelming and there’s a lot of information to take in. Whether you are new to kinship care, already caring for a child or supporting a family member or friend, we’re here to help.

Contact the Kinship advice team

Ways to get help and advice

There are lots of different ways you can access help and advice from Kinship. Whether you’re looking to understand more about kinship care or need specific help and advice on topics such as finances, contact or parental responsibility. We are here to help.

Woman sitting on the sofa with a baby on her lap and another small child next to her. They are all looking at a tablet computer.

Advice and information guides

Browse our online advice and information guides, covering topics from finance to mental health.

An older couple sit at a table looking at each other, with a laptop in front of them.

Contact the Kinship advice team

Find out more about our advice service, how they can help, and how to get in touch with them.

View Contact the Kinship advice team
Close-up of three men sitting in a semi-circle listening to someone talking.

Free training and events

Explore our free online and in-person training and events.

View Free training and events
An older woman is sitting outside talking on her phone and looking at a laptop.

Kinship Compass

Use our Kinship Compass tool to find support and services available to you in your local area.


Browse our online advice collections

We have help and advice on a range of topics on our online advice collections.

Worried about a child’s safety or welfare?

If you are worried about a child’s safety or welfare, you can read about where to and how to report your concerns.