Anti-racism and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) action framework

In November 2021, Kinship’s Board and leadership team set a clear intention to become an anti-racist charity and approved an anti-racism and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) action framework for moving towards that goal.

Our action framework was developed with the involvement of our whole staff group during a 6-month learning and development process supported by consultant Margaret Ochieng from The Inclusive Village.

Our key levers of change

What we’ve done

  • An anti-racism framework was approved by our Trustee Board in November 2021.

What we’ve done

  • We developed our ‘staff kitchen’ and ‘walk and talk’ spaces to connect staff and reduce isolation.
  • We developed new organisational values through workshops with all staff as part of our strategic planning for 2022-25. They were launched at our all staff away day in Spring 2022 and we will continue to embed them.

Work in progress

  • We continue to develop ways to support staff around hybrid working.

What we’ve done

  • We reviewed our organisational policies, ensuring that they included a commitment to anti-racist practice, for example, our whistleblowing policy and recruitment policy.
  • We improved the accessibility of our policies, adding them to our online HR system for all staff.

What we’ve done

  • We reviewed our recruitment policies and practices.
  • We improved demographic data collection across the recruitment and employee lifecycle.
  • We worked purposefully to begin to address the lack of diversity at senior management level. We worked with external recruiters for senior roles, insisting on diverse list of candidates. We worked with a specialist agency to recruit our new manager roles in the communications and external affairs directorate.
  • We introduced a blind recruitment approach.
  • We planned recruitment campaigns and interview panels with diversity as a forethought. For example, the photography we used for recruitment packs for our new peer support service.
  • Our Trustees committed to increasing kinship carer representation on the board supported by a new mentoring initiative.

Work in progress

  • We are developing an annual training plan, for roll-out during 2022-23, including fair recruitment training and training on how to implement new policies.
  • Working group members continue to engage with sector leaders to share learning.

What we’ve done

  • The Board set targets for minority ethnic representation with a recruitment campaign in Spring 2022 to recruit two Trustees from a minority ethnic background.

Work in progress

  • Our annual report will include progress and further actions needed.

Most of all, becoming an anti-racist charity is about our leadership and every member of our staff team. It is in our day-to-day awareness, our commitment to being vulnerable, to learn, to hold each other to account as individuals while holding our systems accountable to change that will help us achieve our ambition of being a racially inclusive and anti-racist organisation, and to extend this through authentic practice to our service users.