Section 3F: How to build trust in your kinship peer support group

Trust is the foundation for a kinship peer support group. It allows everyone to relax into a space surrounded by others who truly understand.

What is trust?

Trust is when you feel you can place confidence and belief in others and rely on them to respect that. That might be keeping information private or showing respect to others.

If there is trust within a group, it means that every member of the group feels they can share openly and honestly and know that they will not be judged. Their comments will not be discussed outside of the group. It’s a confidential space.

Trust also develops in group when everyone feels they can be themselves and their rights are respected. People don’t have to agree on everything, but they do respect everyone in group in line with the group agreement.

Building trust in your kinship peer support group

Rachael from the team at Kinship shares why trust is so important in kinship peer support groups, and how this links into your role as group leader.

Duration: 1 minute 16 seconds

Group members have trust in you as a group leader. They trust you to show up for them each time at group. A group can very quickly become someone’s safe place to share, knowing that the others in the room have shared similar experiences. For example, if you regularly cancelled the group meeting or moved dates and times, group members can lose trust in you running the group.

"(When you share in group) It’s like stress relief. When you hold all of this in, and then when it's out, it's such a weight off your shoulders. You don't think at the time, but afterwards, after the tears and everything, it comes out and you feel so much better. That you've been listened to, that people are there and they understand."

Gillian, kinship carer in Gateshead (special guardian for her grandson) and support group leader

An older woman wearing a yellow T-shirt is reading to a young child, whose head is resting on the woman's shoulder.

Other support from Kinship

Here at Kinship, we offer a range of free support for all kinship carers, including workshops, online advice and information, and peer support groups.

Contact our advice service to speak to an adviser.